By Randy Provence on December 26, 2014
One of MCI’s customers, New Jersey Transit, wanted their repair facilities to be able to order parts securely via the Internet, view the status of orders, and generate reports. There are 30,000 to 40,000 parts. They needed six “on demand” reports ranging from Fill Rate Performance to Credit Card Reconciliation reports. They wanted to have these reports e-mailed to them. Cat Logistics was retained to outsource all of their warehouse operations. Because Cat Logistics primary software is SAP and MCI’s is APlus, they needed a way to have messaging between the two systems real-time. All warehouse functions would be performed by the SAP system with messaging originating from the APlus system
Via the internet, New Jersey Transit can now pick parts from catalog drill-downs and receive real-time pricing. This pricing is also based on quantities and or contracts that are tailored specifically to a New Jersey Transit site. They are able to check inventory levels at all MCI locations, enabling them to come up with accurate forecasting.
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